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2 MINUTA DREKA/UMIGLIAZIONE : split 7” (2 Minuta Dreka session consist of 68 (studio!) tracks of pure noisecore, totally cynic and ironic stuff with artwork based on tortured people and Japanese sex-oriented !! UMIGLIAZIONE shows 3 songs of powerfull grindcore with ’80s hardcore attitude, this band can reminds you the early ’90s Cripple Bastards period) 4€

7 MINUTES OF NAUSEA/INTESTINAL INFECTION : split 7” (totally old-school noise/blurrrr/grind release on B.O.G. records !! 2 classic bands on 1 slap of vinyl… what more do you want? Limited to 530 copies !!) 4€

ABORTION/PER CAPITA : split 7” (GRINDCORE from Slovakia vs. CRUST/GRIND/HARDCORE from Munich, Germany! Limited to 250 copies!) 4€

ABRAVANEL/INDEXTERITY : split 7” (total Brazilian material !! INDEXTERITY are somekind of hardcore… but the band you wil love on this split are ABRAVANEL !! awesome raw shit !! great stuff, sometimes sounding alike CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER !! great !!!) 4€

ACAO DIRETA/CONTRASTO : split 7” (Brazilian import !! ACAO DIRETA hail from Brazil and CONTRASTO are from Italy !! they bring us some PUNK/HARDCORE stuff !! not that many copies in stock so don’t hesitate !!) 4€

ACID SHOWER : Rock salad 7” (Three piece GOREGRIND band hailing from Toronto, Canada delivering here their vinyl debut with a full ep! 9 traxxxxx including a MALIGNANT TUMOUR & BEASTIE BOYS cover! Edition of 500 copies that come with a double sided insert!) 5€

ACCION MUTANTE/KORADES : split 7" (the tittle on the cover explains us all... 'Hail To DOOM' yeah... great stuff totaly influenced by legendary DOOM !! total of 5 crushing tracks you go nuts on !!! KILLER !!!) 4€

ACTIVE MINDS/LOS REZIOS : split 7” (UK punk greats Active Minds team up with Peruvian crust punks Los Rezios for this blazing 4 track ep. 2 new tracks each that do not disappoint) 4€

ADOLF SHITTER/HADES MINING CO. : Le Controle Du Cerveau split 7" (Back in stock! Der Schrecken über noisecore für Suze Vs US killer noisecore ! co-prod between UPR & CONTINUUM records! Limited to 200 copies on BROWN colored vinyl!) 4€

AGATHOCLES : minced in Piracicaba, Brazil 2007 7" (20 raw as hell MINCECORE tracks from their first South-American tour in 2007 !!! with Tony on bass !! PLAY LOUD OR DON'T PLAY IT AT ALL !!!!!!!) 4€

AGATHOCLES/GORGONIZED DORKS : split 7” (4 classic MINCECORE traxxxx by the masters !! U.S. westcoast noise tyrants GORGONIZED DORKS puke out D-BEAT tracks !!! including song titles and even lyrics !! BRILLIANT RELEASE !!!) 4€

AGATHOCLES/GRIND BUTO : split 7” (got some MINT condition stock coming in from this classic release !! Out on UXICON !!) 4€

AGATHOCLES/BEER BELLY : split 7” (BEER BELLY - legendary Nippon drunk guys and girl making the sound of early SWANKYS and a big drop of CONFUSE/SIEG HAIL - vodka on it, blending it into a massive coctail of bulldozing early 80's noisepunk mayhem. AGx this time, with 4 brand new unreleased studio-tracks, sounding like a very pissed off and angry GASMASK, HUMAN GAS, early DISORDER/CHAOS UK bunch on an anti-hippie family party. Punx is hippies? Totally not. Punk is noizzzeee... Pass the dizz, not the spliff) 4€

AGATHOCLES/NOXIOUS THREAT : split 7” (Yeah… perfect NOISY MINCE versus KILLER RAW NOISECORE from the States makes just a perfect split 7” to enjoy a lot! Available in 5 different colors ! BLACK vinyl = 4€ and all other colors 5€ !!)

AGATHOCLES/TONNIE ANDERS : split 7” (TOTAL Belgian release! Limited to 250 copies on BLACK vinyl!!) 4€

AGATHOCLES/USA LA TUA RABBIA : split 7” (brand new split from the AGx guys, 5 traxxxxx recorded in 2018 with the Yves/Koen/Jan line-up! ULTR are a fresh GRINDVIOLENCE/FASTCORE band from Brittany, France with 7 tracks recorded in 2018!) 4€

AGATHOCLES/FULL CONTACT : split 7” (brand new split ep limited to 350 copies available with 3 different colored sleeves, here you get the B/W unnumbered version limited to 200 copies!) 4€

AGATHOCLES/ANTIKULT : split 7” (yeah… 6 more tracks and again recorded and mixed between February 2017 and Feb. 2019 in Belgium and Canada with Joe! ANTIKULT is moving on the path of GRINDCORE/CRUST music. The sound of the band include some jazzy passages but always in a solid traditional old school attitude) 4€

AGATHOCLES/SETE STAR SEPT : split 7” (AGx offer 10 songs recorded in 2016/2017 and SSS with "Tribute To AGATHOCLES" side come with 4 covers songs of... AGATHOCLES!) 5€

AGATHOCLES/NUNSLAUGHTER : split 7” (4th repress version! The EP includes three recently recorded songs from Belgium's mince kings ("Trail of despair", "Nazional sozial(ist) security", "Flanders' little cesspool") and two from the Ohio's death metal behemoth ("To Sin Again", "Your Soul Belongs To Me") Both bands have been around for well over 20 years and have released hundreds of similar splits although its the first time when Agathocles and Nunslaughter share the same record!) 4€

AGATHOCLES/MALICIOUS ALGORITHM : split 7” (AGATHOCLES offer up two slabs of pummeling bulldozer Mincecore. While MALICIOUS ALGORITHM pukes up 3 filthy tracks of breakneck GrindViolence in a mince blender. MALICIOUS ALGORITHM are Grindviolence from Humboldt County California. Recorded in April of 2022 at Astral Noise Productions in Arcata, CA by Raymond Teefy. Artwork and layout were also done by Raymond. Mastered by Grant Richardson at Hex Audio Lab Minneapolis, MN. Limited pressing of 500 pieces, with DIY screen printed cover!)  5€

***AGATHOCLES/DAISY CRATERS : split 7” (Released in Jan. ’24 and limited to 300 copies including 200 x BLACK and 100 x COKE BOTLE CLEAR colored vinyl!)  7€

ALBATROS : Sous-Entendu 7” (weird and bizar chaotic stuff with bras section ! weird !! Canada inport !!) 5€

ARCHAGATHUS/IRON BUTTER : split 7” (fucking amazing split !! raw as shit MINCE/NOISECORE !! limited to 533 copies including 117 TOXIC GREEN vinyls and 416 BLACK vinyls !!!! ofcourse all handnumbered !!!) 4€

ARCHAGATHUS/MAXIMUM THRASH : split 7” (another killer MINCING and NOISY release to feed your ever hunger for RAW shit !! 5 tracks from the Stony Mountains and also 5 crushers from MAXIMUM THRASH including a LYCANTHROPHY cover !!) 4€

ARCHAGATHUS/BESTIAL VOMIT : split 7” (this RAW MINCECORE PUNK NOISE was recorded January 2011 !! 4 demented tracks you will love !! aaarrrggghhh… Joseph and BESTIAL VOMIT spit out 3 tracks of Italian mad GRINDCORE protest shit !! GREAT as always !!! TOP 7” release !!!) 5€

ARCHAGATHUS/COMPOST : split 7” (3 more MINCE hymns from the MINCE kings from Cananda !! COMPOST destroy with 5 tracks including a XYSMA cover !! So where are you waiting for… this killer 7” is a MUST in your collection !! MINCE !!!) 4€

ARCHAGATHUS/NO THOUGHT : split 7” (2 MINCECORE tracks recorded recorded during the summer of 2012 !! NO THOUGHT play fucking RAW GRINDCORE !! 4 tracks recorded in 2011 !! Limited and # to 525 copies !! comes in AWESOME B/W splatter waxxxxx !!!) 4€

ARCHAGATHUS/SETE STAR SEPT/DISEKSA/TERLARANG : 4 way split 7” (FINALLY here it is !! if I’m not wrong it was in planning/prod. For 1,5 year !! Anyway… the result is awesome and TOP work from Alistair !!! limited to 300 copies and surely 1 band you like is on it !!) 4€

ARCHAGATHUS/MINDCOLLAPSE : split 7” (ARCHAGATHUS needs little introduction. They have made their name with quality MINCECORE! MINDCOLLAPSE is 3/4 Disturbance project, so they are longtime grind freaks from Spain. Together they deliver quality GRINDCORE, in a true DIY spirit!) 6€


AxSxHx : dead area fastcore 7" (AxSxHx stands for: ANOTHER STUPID HARDCOREBAND ! but please don't take this serious because this is some great raw fastcore with many blasting parts and a HARSH outro by APOPHALLATION !!!) 4€

ATARA/UNSU : split 7” (both play that typical kind of French style of GRINDCORE… fast with some technical stuff inside !!) 4€

AURORA : i'll cry alone 7" (comes in purple vinyl !!!) 3€

AXIS OF DESPAIR : time and again 7” (AXIS OF DESPAIR is a new GRINDCORE band from Sweden. Although the first incarnation of the band can be dated back to the last days of 2013, the band came together as a fully working unit in the spring of 2014 when the line-up was finalized and the band name was decided. They feature former and present members of such bands as NASUM, COLDWORKER, INFANTICIDE, VOLTURYON, LIVET SOM INSATS, NERVGIFT, OVERTORTURE!!! "Time And Again" is the first EP and includes 6 songs of merciless Swedish GRINDCORE!!!) 4€

BACKSLIDER : maladapted 7” (Fastcore powerviolence duo from the States crussshhh here with 6 tracks !!) 4€

BANGSAT/DEHUMANIZED EARTH : split 7" (oh boy... totally crazy old-school d-beat / grinding material from 2 killer bands from Malaysia and Canada !!! ultra limited to 550 copies !! YOU NEED THIS !!! ;) ) 4€

BANGSAT/EXOGORTH : split 7” (yeahhhh… what a killer split of RAW GRINDING VOILENCE !!! BANGSAT recorded here 7 traxxx including a EXTREME NOISE TERROR cover and a MASTER intro !!! EXOGORTH blaaaast 4 tracks including a PROLETAR cover !! MUST !!!!) 4€

BASTARD NOISE/BRUTALOMANIA : split 7” (Long time friends Manuel (BRUTALOMANIA) and Wood (BASTARD NOISE) unite to create a split of total intensity and ear slaying violence. With a lasting reverence to avenging animal cruelty where ever it may exist, Bastard Noise offers up four unique, multi-layered and complex electronic pieces, each one complete with aggressive vocals, sickening textures and frequency expansion overload. Crystal clear production allowing the biggest sound is a lasting BN trademark and this EP is no exception. Brutalomania (from the Canary Islands of Spain) features a single decimating track of thick, electric wall assault. Fury of complete disintegrating audio destruction. Complete, unbridled power! As extreme as it gets... Pressed on random colored vinyl!) 4€

BATHTUB SHITTER : angels save us 7” (7 tracks on this full ep from these maniac Japanese grinders !! this is the re-press version with GREY sleeve recorded in 2001 !! 1000 copies made but getting pretty rare now so this is your chance !!!) 4€

BEELZEBEAT/KAMISORI : split 7” (punk…psychobilly…hardcore stuff from Italy and Japan!! Only for the crazy!!) 4€

BEELZEBEAT/CIBO : split 7" (BEELZEBEAT Italy - Padova grindabilly madness influenced by noise a go go and other Japanese craziness with 2 furious tracks! CIBO also from Italy - Torino grinding & rocking hardcore-punk veterans. 2 brutal yet crazy tracks) 4€

BESTIAL VOMIT/SMELLING FETID CORPSE : split 7” (TOTAL OLD-SCHOOL GRINDCORE split from Italy/Peru !! Both bands shred !! limited to 500 copies on BLACK waxxxx !! co-released by BOG records !!) 4€

BIZARRE X/CxTxD : split 7” (5 tracks of bass n drum cult commando vs. blast grind/noise team! cover artwork - Paul Barfo/GODSTOMPER! limited to 300 copies! and co-released by B.O.G. !!) 4€

BLACK HOLE OF CALCUTTA : 7” (on this 7” they have 2 tracks of grinding darkness from the states !! TOP release !!) 4€

BLACK SUN/THEY ARE COWARDS : split 7” (Black Sun take the first side with a surprisingly short, fast and loud number. Still as heavy as previous At War LP "Paralyser" but much more in the short, fast and loud vein. This one's been a set-closer for a while now and is a total rager, will hopefully be a nice surprise to a lot of you! This is the first release by Manchester-based sludgers They Are Cowards and it's a beast. Totally focussed, grim northern waste-inspired misery, building from a massive Celtic Frost-esque riff. A totally brilliant pairing of northern negativity!) 4€

BLINDSPOT A.D. : pain is not the cleanser 7" (9 tracks full of hate and frustration... recorded April 2001 !! GREAT !!) 4€

BLOOD I BLEED/F.U.B.A.R. : split 7” (total Dutch raging FASTCORE/GRIND/PUNK/… split release !! totally crazy shit !!) 4€

BLOODRED BACTERIA/RUINED : split 7" (BLOODRED BACTERIA here with 4 blasts that should be released on several compilations and with Jan AG on Bass !! RUINED has here 6 excellent tracks against the system !! KILLER!!) 4€

BLOODY PHOENIX/SYSTEM SHIT : split 7” (BLOODY PHOENIX deserve total fucking Excruciating Terror-style grindcore (probably since its ex-members of EXCRUCIATING TERROR). No fluff, no tech, no bullshit, just straight up grindcore from the reigning kinds of SoCal blasting. Grindcore and power-violence fans will be floored. SYSTEM SHIT is an hardcore band from Halifax/Canada. They started back in the days as a joke noisecore band back and evolved into what they're now - a brutal crusty grindcore outfit!) 4€

BOOM/MUTILATION OF MIND : split 7” (more fastcore/crust madness vs. Mutilation Of Mind a 3 piece grindy crusty thrashy punky band and all are from France! Limited to 300 copies on BLACK waxxx!!) 4€

BLUE HOLOCAUST/MORGUE BREATH : split 7” (BACK IN STOCK!!! Yeah… AMAZING new split ep from 2 killer bands delivering each 5 traxxxx of total HORROR/GORE/GRIND & DEATH… that combined with some amazing artwork makes it a TOTALLY MUST HAVE release!!!) 7€

BRODY’S MILITIA : napalm zeppelin raids E.P. (KY's legendary rednecks return with their most rocked out effort to date. You may remember the fast-as-fuck hardcore of their older releases and their previous band Hellnation, but this record has only a few blastbeats and LOTS of sick 70's hard rock riffing and hardman's swagger. While the quintessential Brody's Militia material is a more evenly-keeled mix of fast hardcore, 70's hard rock, and country, this record leans very heavily into the "hard rock/heavy metal" territory, and it's definitely for the better) 5€

BRUTAL DEATH : s/t 7” (first raw guttural style grindcore release. No fluff, no tech, just straight up Napalm Death/Repulsion style grindcore from this reigning new Concord (San Francisco) Grindkidz band of socal blasting. Better than most bands coming from over-hyped scene nowadays. Concord grindcore thrash that is fucking out of control!) 4€

BUNGUS/SOY : split 7” (Sick split from two, sadly, defunct Canadian grind killers! Soy were a 3 piece band formed in Victoria, BC in 1996. They released one tape, which I STILL cannot find anywhere, and a self released 7" before splitting up. They reformed briefly from '11 to '14, in that time they played a few shows and recorded their half of this wonderful slab of wax before disbanding yet again. Bungus, another short lived band from Victoria, BC were around from about '12-'14 and released a bunch of splits with some great current bands. Both bands deliver their own brand of weirdo grindcore on this split. Bungus throwing some death metal into the mix and Soy keeping in line with their style of early powerviolence old man grind) 4€

BURNING CYBORG : entering digital infinity 7” (AWESOME… just awesome !!! 2 piece going totally flat out on electronic cyborg blaaaaast digital insanity!! NOISECORE brought back from the year 2085 !!) 4€

CAD/RABIES : split 7" (GRINDCORE/CRUST/... split from Slovakia/Czech rep. ...great !!)4€

CALM HATCHERY/LAGO : split 7” (This is Arizona's LAGO and Poland's CALM HATCHERY featuring one new song from each band. LAGO delivers a ferocious brew of classic but modernized death metal, surrounded in a blackened fog, wholly bearing an oppressive atmosphere. CALM HATCHERY overthrows the B-side of this split with a vital slab of decimation, “Distant Pulsation.” Continuing to revitalize their brutality with each release, the band unloads a shredding, brutal death metal wrought with bursts of technicality and grindcore-influenced tactics. A must have for fans of classic and brutal death metal in the vein of IMMOLATION, BEHEMOTH, MORBID ANGEL, SUFFOCATION) 4€

CANNIBAL WITCH/DECAPITATED MUM : split 7” (AAAARRRGGGHHH… fucking AWESOME ep, straight in from Australia !! expect some crazy old school grind/noise/gore/groove shit from down under!! Out on MACHISMO prod. active since 1997! Remember the FINAL EXIT/IRONIA and CAUSE FOR EFFECT/ONANIZER split ep’s !!! don’t let this one slip your fingers !!) 5€

CANNIBAL WITCH : in the spirit of total underground….. S/sided 7” (Yeah… second release on MELTAAARGH!!!! records is ready to blaaaaast your speakers !! barbaric old-school stuff from these Australian maniacs !! limited & # to only 200 copies!!) 4€

CANNIBE/CORPSE : neurosurgical procedures split 7” (Italian GORE gurgling madmen vs. Bulgarian DEATH/GRIND legends !! limited to 300 copies in BLACK waxxxx!!) 4€

CARCASS GRINDER/SETE STAR SEPT : split 7” (TOTAL crusssshhhhing Nippon assault !! CARCASS GRINDER with 5 tracks recorded Feb./March of 2010 !! and the merciless SSS session was recorded in Hungary on July 11, 2013 !! Limited & # to 420 BLACK vinyl + 100X Limited & # ORANGE vinyl!! get this amazing Nippon attack to complete your NOISE/GRIND collection !!) 4€

CARLOS DUNGA : 7" (this is fine speedy thrash soccer punk from Italy !! comes with different cover collours !!) 4€

CARNIVAL OF CARNAGE : chili con carnage 7” (first and only time they played live as a real band !! the very best raw and noisy recordings done ever from C.O.C. !!! fans from LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY wil go crazy on this one !! limited to 335 copies !!) 4€

CASKET BLASTER/KNIFETHRUHEAD : split 7” (CASKET BLASTER shred 2 great tracks of putred gore trashing griiiiind !! KNIFETHRUHEAD sound as crazy as always, 3 traxxxx to play loud, hard and relax !!?? anyway, limited to 1000 copies + handnumbered !!) 4€

CATHETER / STREETWALKER : split 7” (brandnew all U.S.A. split 7” !! killer shit from both bands that will make you grind !!!!!) 4€

CATARRO : insomnia 7” (killer GRINDING/HARDCORE/FASTCORE… pfft whatever fast shit from Brazil !!! KILLER aggressive full 7”!) 5€

CHANCLETA/CRANI SEPTIC : split 7” (ultra fast grind/fastcore from CHANCLETA vs. killer death/gore/grind from CRANI SEPTIC !!!) 4€

CLUSTER BOMB UNIT : heute wie morgen wie gestern 7” (New 5 track EP from the Euro crust/ d-beat veterans Cluster Bomb Unit!!!! their five new tracks current sound a little more worked out and more akind to KURO, GAUZE or even GISM, than the straight-up DIS-clone workouts of their earlier releases) 4€

COLDWORKER/DEATHBOUND : split 7” (the Scandinavian grind cooperation. The Swedish COLDWORKER with two new deathgrind attacks and the flipside contains the suomi grind supreme from DEATHBOUND, they recorded 2 exclusive songs. The first pressing comes in full coloured hardcover) 4€

COMRADES : no escape 7" (great Italian grind/crust destroying piece of fuck'n wax !!!) 4€

COMRADES/TEKKEN : split 7" (killer new split from both bands... fast screaming grind blasts !!!) 4€

CONVULSIONS/RECALCITRANT : split 7” (TOTAL GRINDCORE split from Spain and U.S.A. !! killer stuff released in 2018!) 4€

CRISISCHRIST/EL HAMBRE : split 7” (Both bands hail from Spain and play a cool mix of GRIND, CRUST PUNK and DEATH METAL!!) 4€

CRYPTIC BROOD : Caustic Fetid Vomit 7″ (As always, CRYPTIC BROOD spewing forth a delight for seasoned and new listeners alike, with an organic sound perfectly encapsulating what makes this German trio never lose their greatest strength—attaining a suffocatingly heavy music filled with reeking, gloomy atmosphere from their sonic signature, a colossal sound of rawness and madness. What’s certain is that time will melt away throughout eleven minutes of an endless putrid nightmare, rapidly expanding outward in every direction of the alternate dimensional horrific planes that these German fiends have been delivered) 6€

CSMD/CRACK : split 7" (CSMD are the masters.... Since 1998, they've been pumping out their own unique style of NOISECORE that's steeped in kaiju movies, theremins, and cover songs. They're one of the all-time greats, brimming with personality and passion. Their side fits neatly in-line with the rest of their discography, an exuberant mix of brutal NOISECORE and theremin space jams, like if a 70's sci-fi movie soundtrack got set on fire. ....and CRACK are the disciples. On the flip side, CRACK follow up their 2016 tape with a long psychedelic noise jammer. They clearly take influence from the space sounds and joyful freedom of CSMD, but take it in their own lo-fi direction. A delightful split limited to 300 copies!) 5€

CUMGUN : cockring suffering 7” (BRUTAL GORE/PORN DEATHMETAL from Quebec Canada !! 5 traxxxx including a ANAL BLEEDING cover !! cumes in nice CLEAR with CUM splattered vinyl !!) 5€

DEAD INFECTION/PARRICIDE : split 7” (yeah… finally some more great shit from DEAD INFECTION !!! 4 traxxx recorded June 2013 including a DEFECATION cover !! Also Polish and Also veterans are PARRICIDE spitting 4 tracks of relentless GRINDCORE !! limited to 500 copies!!) 4€

DEALIN' WITH IT / OLDE YORK : split 7" (both bands play a nice mix of old school style HC mixed with late 80's youth crew. Both sides were recorded live on the Pat Duncan radio show in New Jersy ! limited to 300 copies / colloured wax !) 4€

DEBONED/STRIVER : split 7” (This split features two bands from "la belle province". On this e.p, STRIVER delivers à more sludgy and chaotic fast hardcore while DEBONED is a complete Righteous Pigs/Repulsion worship. limited to 300 copies!!) 5€

DEBONED/EXISTENCHE : split 7” (Yeah… got some copies back in stock from this crusher! KILLER all Canadian release! Limited to 500 copies!) 5€

DECHE-CHARGE/NIHILISTIC FRONT : split 7” (aaarrrggghhhh… more deche? You need more deche? You need more worthless crap? Ok, perfect… here you have it !! ha… 250 traxxxx recorded in 2013 + the ‘death metal fuck off!’ DEMO from 1994 !! for the first time on vinyl !! Flip to the other side and you get some MINDBLOWING HARSHNOISE from Bulgaria!! Nikolay from NIHILISTIC FRONT delivers for 5:55 HARSHHH…MADNESS !! available in 5 different colors !! 312 x BLACK ; 63 x RED ; 57 x BLUE ; 58 x TRANSPARANT ; 51 x GREEN) 4€

DEFLOWERED CUNT/SETE STAR SEPT : split 7” (DxCx are a insane 2 piece NOISE/HARSH/BLURRRR creators that demonstrate on this debut vinyl their skills to transform everything into PURE CHAOS!! Their previous TAPE releases and now their 85 traxxxxx on this split EP prove my theory here !! Flip it over and discover some more INSANE NOISECORE from Kae and Kiyasu !! 7 BLAAAASTS in their well known way!! DxCx + SSS and available in YELLOW ; GREEN or BLACK colored vinyl !! sounds just GREAT if you ask me!! Out on BOG ofcorpse !!!) 4€

DEHUMANIZED EARTH/GLOBAL HOLOCAUST : split 7" (total Canadian release !! expect some crust ; grind ; metal in a ultra dirty way !!! the world is at it's end... and these two bands make these facts ultra clear !!! enjoy while you can !) 4€

DEHUMANIZED EARTH/DIS-EASED : split 7” (again all-Canadian crushing material !! both bands are awesome !! TOTAL KILLER release !!) 4€

***DEHUMANIZING ITATRAIN WORSHIP ‎: Eien Parasites 7” (Anime Slam Kings, Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship are back with a brand new track, "Eien Parasites"; a highly anticipated studio recording which features guest appearance by Duncan Bentley of Vulvodynia fame. Along with it, comes the tracks instrumental version)  7€

DEPRESY MOUSE/PASKUDA : split 7" (killer ultra RAW grind/crust from Chech rep. !!! GREAT release !!!) 4€

DEPROGRAMMAZIONE/SPOSA IN ALTO MARE : split 7" (ITALY dark & gloomy GRIND/BLACK METAL vs ITALY psycho GRINDCORE !!! brand new release and limited to only 500 copies !!) 4€

DESECRATION/HOLOCAUSTO CANIBAL : split PIC. 7” (DESECRATION and HOLOCAUSTO CANIBAL... Two european heavyweights whose careers combined pass 40 years of Death Grind devotion, team up for the first time in a cult 7'' Split Picture Vinyl, with brand new and absolutely exclusive material. Hell Raising Neck Breaking Death Metal. Strictly Limited Edition! No Repress After That!) 5€

DETERIORATION/MONGÓLICO : split 7" (TOTAL GRINDCORE blaaaasts from USA vs. Colombia !! comes in a screen printed cover and insert with hand die-cut cover!) 6€

DILUTION : dilution 7” (DILUTION is an Italian/USA thrashcore homage to Japan. Features members of SICK/TIRED, xKATExMOSHx, DISFORIA and NEID !! great shit !!!) 4€

DIORRHEA/PROLETAR : split 7" (total crushing GRIND blaaaaaaaast split from Italy and Indonesia !!) 4€

DISCOPHOBIA/SLECHT : split 7” (aaarrrggghhh… DISCOPHOBIA are Brame from VLEESKLAK rec./ANXIETY DISORDER/… + Nikos from VRV / VETTIGE KANARIE/ANALE BEZEM/… joining to produce some great catchy noise blaaaats !! 6 traxxxxxx to say FUCK YOU !!! SLECHT on the flipside play like they like to call it : ‘Intoxicated Anti-Social Black Metal’ curious? Try it !!) 4€

DISKOIRAA/METRALLETA : split 7” (total crushing release… yeahhh… totally raw d-beat/grind/punk mix with fucking screaming vox in their home language !! yes… great aggressive stuff against the fucking system ! LOVE IT !!) 4€

DISLEKSICK/SHITNOISE BASTARDS : split 7” (Canadian GRINDCORE / NOISE PUNK band from London, Ontario Canada vs. Malaysian raw GRIND/NOISECORE !! available in different colored sleeves!) 5€

DISPENSE : nothing like the truth 7” (this is killer Swedish brutal DIS-beat Crust-HC !! 7 tracks on this slab of vinyl !!) 4€

DISSENT/HELLISHEAVEN : split 7” (new shit ! PL crust/sludge VS US crust attack !! comes in RED vinyl !!) 4€

DIS-TANK : hardcore D-beat bruisers volume one 7” (you know what to expect with this band name !! 10 tank crushers to blow you away !!) 4€

DISTURBANCE PROJECT/TERRORISMO MUSICAL : split 7" (ultra crushing split 7" between D.P. from Spain and T.M. from Greece !!! KILLER stuff that is essential in your old-school GRINDCORE collection !! KILLER release !!!!) 4€

DISUSE/NAKED APE : split 7” (16 tracks of old-shool GRINDCORE in less than 8 minutes - FFO razor sharp guitars, vicious blastbeats, grinding basses and over-the top vocals, Napalm Death when they were still cool, Warsore, Monkeys, Yetis, Urbanus styled nudity and other nonsense !! DISUSE ft current and ex noïse monkeys from Last Days Of Humanity, Brodequin, Gewoon Fucking Raggen ... NAKED APE ft current and ex technophobes of Verpest, EBDB, Discokiller, Vettige Kanarie, Boiling Remains, Permanent Death, ...) 4€

DREADEYE/Su19b : split 7” (total Japanese POWERVIOLENCE/SLUDGE release !! Su19b has FINAL EXIT member !!! limited to 500 copies !!) 4€

DURAIN : s/t 7" DURIAN from New Jersey, USA started when the bass player of CHAINSAW TO THE FACE moved away, the drummer and John started a new band so that we could keep writing music regularly and playing out. They called DURIAN, they released demo tape at 2016 and have a split 7"EP with Meth Leppard from Australia and split tape with MATKA TERESA. This debut 7"EP contain 9 brutal songs with heavy sound and low vocals. Think its continous where CHTTF ended. Cover artwork of this 7"EP is dedicated Brutalism architecture) 4€

DYSMORFIC : born to be fucked 7" (AWESOME old school GRIND/MINCE from Italy !!! killer full 7" !!!) 4€

DYSMORFIC/DEATH ON/OFF : split 7” (complete Italian GRINDCORE attack !! 2 tracks from DYSMORFIC and 6 traxxx blaaaaasted by DEATH ON/OFF !! first time I hear this band and I love the GRIND they spit out !!) 4€

DYSMORFIC/REPULSIONE : split 7"(Italian GRINDCORE maniacs vs Italy’s most pulverizing powerviolence crew! Limited to 600 copies !!) 4€

EBOLA/EDDIE X MURPHY ‎: L'infezione è Dentro Te, Inutile Cercarla Negli Altri / Sorridi Manichino In Vetrina split 7” (EBOLA = Italy - Brescia noisegrind-punx with 20 filthy tracks. ExM. = Italy – Veneto harsh noisecore with 5 crushing tunes. On 45 rpm and available in BLACK & BLUE colored vinyl!) 4€

EMBALMING THEATRE/TERSANJUNG13 : split 7” (3 new tracks recorded in 2011 by these sickos from Switzerland !! also 3 tracks from TERSANJUNG hailing from Indonesia !! alike on the split with UNHOLY GRAVE again they destroy with RAW GRIND !! KILLER split !!) 4€

ENDWARFMENT : world downsfall 7" (crushing Scandinavian TERRORIZER GRIND!) 4€

ENDWARFMENT/HELLSTORM : split 7” (complete Scandinavian release !! bands and label !! killer shit !! limited to ONLY 120 copies !!) 4€

ENERGUMENO/HADES MINING Co. : split 7'' (Pure Fucking Old School Noisecore from Spain vs Lo-Fi Merciless Noisecore / Noisegrind from U.S.A. !!! limited to 220 copies in BLACK waxxxx!!) 4€

ENERGUMENO/ADOLF SHITTER/NOXIOUS THREAT/PISSDEADS : Destroy Your Life For Noisecore! 4 way split 7" (Back in stock! ENERGUMENO Recorded late 2015, December 17th. ADOLF SHITTER Enregistré la 16 janvier 2016 @ Bourneville studio, Centre Psychothérapique de l'Ain. Adolf Shitter are 3 bastards who love suze! Black vinyl limited to 240 copies!) 4€

ENTRAILS MASSACRE/PROLETAR : split 7” (The ENTRAILS MASSACRE side contains 4 new grind attacks, mastered from Pluto Poserslaugther at Vintage Mastering. Artwork are from Jasper (Infected Arts). The PROLETAR side contains 4 new grind eruptions including a EXTREME DECAY cover, recorded in February this year. Artwork done by Morbid Death Art!!) 4€

ERSATZ/BOOM : split 7” (total French CRUST / FASTCORE madness by people blasting great music since forever, ex-TEKKEN, COCHE BOMBA, JAMES BROWN'S HIDE SHOW, etc.) 4€

ESTAMPIDO/NUCLEAR ASSAO : never mind the noise here’s ESTAMPIDO & NUCLEAR ASSAO split 7” (Spanish noisecore grinders NUCLEAR ASSAO are heavily influenced by early NAPALM DEATH, PATANERI, SORE THROAT, THE GEROGEROGEROGEGEGE,WBI and similar ones, and Canary hardcore experimental noise output ESTAMPIDO ( think of ZEKE, early NAPALM DEATH, BUKA, THE GEROGEROGEROGEGEGE, CHICKENSHIT, BESMET and the like !!!) 5€

EXACERBACION : desastre humano 7” (On this EP, they produce their strongest material yet, fucking RAW grindcore that's more song-oriented and with a better production than a lot of their material! KILLER release !!) 5€

EXIT WOUND/JIGSORE PUZZLE : split 7" (wow... EXIT WOUNDS surprized me with their ultra faaaaast screamo/fastcore stuff !! Brilliant !! J.P. is the same... total crushing fastcore shit !!! grind maniacs will love this too!!!) 4€

EXOGORTH/DAVID CARRADINE : split 7” (Connecticut Powerviolence vs. Seattle Grindviolence 6 new tracks from DAVID CARRADINE & 5 new ones from EXOGORTH !!!!! KILLER RELEASE !!!) 4€

EXPURGO/SYPHILITIC ABORTION : split 7” (fucking amazing split from Brazil !! COMPLETE GOREGRIND insanity from both bands !! SYPHILITIC ABORTION moves more to the grrovy DM with PIG screaming insanity !! limited and handnumbered to 300 copies !!) 5€

EXTENDED SUICIDE/NOLL IQ : split 7” (HARDCORE from Denmark vs. Sweden fast HARDCORE band from Leksand!) 4€

EXTREME SMOKE 57/H-INCIDENT : split 7” (EXTREME SMOKE 57 have here 3 songs recorded in 2010 ! first studio recordings since the last entrance in a studio in 1994! And believe me they sound just AWESOME !! H-INCIDENT crush with 4 tracks of screaming noisy blaaasting shit !!) 4€

EYEHATELUCY/HARTSOEKER : split 7" (EYEHATELUCY deliver 1 long track of 'anti-anthropocentric self-hatecore' ultra depresive/frustrated stuff!! the HARTSOEKER team deliever 5 trax from their final recordings back in 1996 / remixed and mastered in 2002 ! this killer release comes with a gold print cover with a 2 sided 14" x 14" fold out poster !!) 4€

FATAL NUNCHAKU/xKATExMOSHx : split 7” (fastcore/scream… whatever smelly faaaast CORE stuff on this frenche/Italian split ep done by like 16 labels from everywhere !! orange is the theme in this split !! orange cover/back and inlay and guess what color the waxxxxxx has?? GOOD SHIT !!!) 4€

FILTHPACT/STEP ON IT : split 7" (D-beat from Scotland vs. Raging tunes from Hungary !! GREAT dirty stuff !!) 4€

FROM THE ASHES/A DEN OF ROBBERS : split 7" (ragging grind from both bands !!!)4€

FROM THE ASHES : heading for dystopia 7” (FROM THE ASHES destroy here with 11 crushing tracks recorded in December 2006) 4€

GASCHAMBER : stained hand 7” (Newest EP by one of the most exciting hardcore bands on the planet. Emerging from the remains of the trailblazing Running For Cover to continue on a path of refining and purifying a unique style of hardcore, Gas Chamber fits nicely into the community of bands (Column of Heaven, Suffering Luna, Iron Lung, Hatred Surge, etc) taking "power violence" hardcore punk into exciting new directions) 5€

GET DESTROYED : burnt offerings 7” (the 2nd and funeral output of GET DESTROYED. A fresh injection for the term "Power Violence". 8 fast tempo and down-tuned songs. Short, angry, violent and non-metallic tunes. Real HC/PV in the vein of INFEST!) 4€

G.I. JOKE/TEST : split 7” (Almost 2 years of waiting! Finally is this brand new ep out! Brazilian TEST put here their best songs to this date, expect solid GRINDCORE from this duo! J.I. JOKE with Nils from Agathocles on drums simply kill with hyper GRINDCORE tornado!!) 4€

GNARLY DEATH/FLVX CAPACITOR : split 7” (6 songs of top notch intense grindcore from FLVX CAPACITOR, for fans of napalm death, repulsion, discordance axis, suppression, spazz, and despise you. 7 songs from GNARLY DEATH, 2-piece grindcore from CHICAGO, IL.) 4€

GODEATER/KURT RUSSELL : split 7” (fucking awesome HARDCORE/PUNK/GRIND faaaast shit from the States !!!) 4€

GODORRHOEA : zeitgeist 7” (Godorrhoea were a great UK band around or a short time in the late '80s - very much influenced by early Rudimentary Peni. The EP features studio, live and rehearsal songs - every song they ever did.) 4€

GODSTOMPER/MORMON MINCERS : split 7” (FASTCORE/GRINDCORE/DRUM 'N' BASS band from the USA. Founded in 1991 in Sunnyvale California vs. Oakland's MORMON MINCERS !! KILLER stuff here folks!!)  6€

GO FILTH GO/BESTHOVEN : split 7” (ultra raw d-beat attack from both bands !!!) 4€

GOREDOZER ‎: Biological Extinction 7” (Fresh GOREGRIND one-man project by Tom (also in HAGGUS, COLOSTOMY SPACEBAG) from Oakland, California, USA. This is his debut EP with this project. 7inch vinyl format released by FYL Records and SKULLGRINDER records!! MEGA BLAAAASTING SICK release!!! 5€

GORGONIZED DORKS/MAXIMUM THRASH : split 7” (4 tracks from the GORGONIZED ones… 1 D-BEAT and 3 NOISEPUNK traxxxxxxxx !!! MAXIMUM THRASH recorded 5 tracks of maximum thrash – maximum grind – maximum violence – MAXIMUM EVERYTHING… AMAZING !!!) 4€

GORGONIZED DORKS/HFSS : split 7” (FINALLY !!! this awesome 7” is available !! pressed in 2006 and put away for 5 years waiting for covers it was released somewhere in 2011 !! AWESOME GRIND/NOISE from both bands !! comes in YELLOW with GREEN splatters WAXXXXXX !!! KILLER) 5€

GORGONIZED DORKS/PRISONER 639 : split 7” (The DORKS have here saome very old recordings from 2006 !! a balad + untitled track !!Belgian PRISONER 639 crush with 2 traxxx + intro and outro !!) 4€

GORGONIZED DORKS/HATED PRINCIPLES : single sided split 7” (fucking real RAW single sided piece of wax !! both bands crussssshhhh… yeah got some copies back in stock and in all available colors !! PINK/ORANGE/BLACK !! last chance…) 4€

GRAVEYARD/ULCER : split 7” (GRAVEYARD from Spain delivers two tracks including CELTIC FROST's "The Usurper" cover! Festering old school death metal at its best! ULCER from Poland delivers one long track of pure Swedish death metal!) 4€

GRIDE/ABORTION : split 7” (3 x top czech fast core versus 4x slovak grind grandfathers, the last song with sax! Both with tons of records and splits. ​ GRIDE also toured twice in the USA!​ BLUE VINYL !!) 5€

GRINCHFINGER/CAMPHORA MONOBROMATA : split 7” (GRINCHFINGER’s blasting ballads of morbid slaughter from the swamps of Middle Georgia, USA, versus CAMPHORA MONOBROMATA’s aggressively oldschool mincecore from St. Petersburg, Russia. A raw grindcore odyssey, now available for your listening pleasure! Limited to 519 copies pressed on black vinyl!)  5€

GRIND CRUSHER/CUT YOUR THROAT : split 7” (awesome release with 2 KILLER blasting bands !! a must have for GRINDCORE fanatics !! comes in nice WHITE/GREEN marble colloured vinyl and also # to 500 copies !!) 4€

GRIND CRUSHER/HAEMOPHAGUS : split 7” (G.C. from Sweden play some GRIND with DM influences and Italian HAEMOPHAGUS play 3 tracks of crushing GRIND/GORE and sounds here a lot alike REPULSION !! GREAAAAAT!!) 4€

GRUMO/DEATH ON/OFF : split 7” (DEATH ON/OFF from Italy - Ferrara blasting GRINDCORE with 4 crushing tracks! GRUMO also Italy – Bologna with 3 brutal & metallic tracks. Venomous split & DIY attitude! ltd to 500 hand numbered copies) 4€

GUANTANAMO PARTY PROGRAM/WE ARE IDOLS : split 7” (Brandnew split between two bands from Breslau. Neurotic PUNK vs. DEATH’n’rol hardcore !!) 4€

HADES MINING CO./HOGRA : split 7” (Noise with vocals you wont like vs. Lo-Fi noisecore retards !! available in WHITE and BLACK color vinyl!!) 5€

HAEMOPHAGUS/SPIRAL : split 7" (the Italian horror grinders return with 3 new tracks, very alike those killer bands on RAZORBACK rec. !!! just awesome stuff !!! Japanese SPIRAL are amazing !!! just like stated on the cover : Tokyo Barbarious Grind Crusher !! totally insane stuff !!! Vocals sound like a robot doing death grunts... killer !!!) 4€

HAEMOPHAGUS/SUBJUGATION : split 7” (HAEMOPHAGUS are Italy-Sicily deadly horror-grind. 2 brutal & downtuned tracks!! SUBJUGATION are from Turkey and play obscure death-grind !! with ex-SAKATAT member !! 3 crushing tracks. two old school addicted bands influenced by REPULSION ; AUTOPSY & CARCASS) 4€

HANGING ROTTEN/VERGE ON REASON : split 7" (HANGING ROTTEN have here 3 studio tracks and 2 live tracks of a mixture of grind and sludge ! VERGE ON REASON have here 6 grinding tracks !! on nice WHITE vinyl !!!) 4€

HARTSOEKER : 1 sided ep 7" (6 tracks of soccergrind recorded in 1995 ! limited + handnumbered to only 204 copies!) 4€

HARSH SUPPLEMENT/CACASONICA : split 7” (AMAZING NOISY split 7” !! HARSH SUPPLEMENT from Canada detroy with 95 traxxxx influenced by D-C !!!!! CACASONICA from Ecuador play some PSICOTROPICOMORBOGRINDINSANOCORE or in a short way… TOTAL CHAOS !!! this killer release is ultra limited to 200 handnumbered copies !! BLACK vinyls and first mailorders can have on request CLEAR vinyl !!) 5€

HEAD CLEANER : days of wrath 7” (2013 full EP from these Greek grinders !!) 4€

HERIDA PROFUNDA/HELLO BASTARDS : split 7” (HERIDA PROFUNDA are a 3-piece based in Poland and 1-piece in UK crustgrind band formed in 2012. Hello Bastards are a multi-national collective based in London delivering crust/pv/hc punk since the mid 00s) 4€

HEY COLOSSUS/FIELD BOSS : split 7” (Great split from two of the UK's most exciting heavy bands, perfectly complimenting one another! HEY COLOSSUS don't do things straight, and what we have here is a slo-mo cover of Andre Williams' Jailbait, battered into submission by HC's trademark downbeat dirge. The Blues on downers. FIELD BOSS are bloody brilliant. The band previously known as Tractor have been knocking around for a few years but this is their first "proper" release. It reminds me a lot of early UNSANE they've got that Am-Rep sound down to an absolute tee, really thick guitars, monotonous, hollowed-out drum sound and in-the-red vocals pushed down in the mix. I can hear the first FUDGE TUNNEL record (surely one of the most overlooked albums ever?!) in there as well. "I got a headache on my birthday". Fits it perfectly, brilliant!) 4€

HUNGRY LIKE RAKOVITZ/O : split 7” (O are nothing but the new incarnation of singer, new moniker...but the desire to disturb remains unchanged with cold "norvegian" riffs, an intimate dark and more explicit evil lyrics. The HLR confirms what was already expressed in their debut "Holymosh"...hyper-fast grime/blackened-hc gnarled and claustrophobic ! includes a BURZUM cover!) 4€

IDIOTS PARADE/SAY WHYE : split 7” (absolute fastcore from slovakia and Czech on TVG records !!) 4€

INDUSTRIAL HOLOCAUST/SHITFUN : split 7” (20 BLAAAASTS from the INDUSTRIAL HOLOCAUST guys…eh GOD’S to make you hear…smell…feel…PUKE how the Brazil OLD-SCHOOL NOISE/GRINDCORE was sounding and in their case STILL IS SOUNDING!!! Second SHITFUN vinyl on BOG including 6 of the most deadly ladies from Brazil !! available in 5 different colors !!) 4€

INFERNAL PUKE/DEMONIC COMPULSION : split 7” (filthy necronoise sewage for satan!!!!! get this or die a fucking poser!!!!! Yeah… nothing more to add to this!! Total BLACK/NOISE blasphemy straight from the USA !!) 5€

INHUMATE/DEPRESSION : split 7" (wow !!! amazing old school grind/death release you can't mis !! Frenche INHUMATE have 2 new crushing tracks while DEPRESSION have 4 exxxxcelent songs incl. a NAPALM DEATH cov.!) 4€

INSOMNIA ISTERICA/COMPOST : split 7" (Swiss/Italian split with reeking GORE !! ) 4€

INSOMNIA ISTERICA/GOKURTRUSSELL : split 7” (INSOMNIA ISTERICA play some high stupid and dystopic GRINDCORE and GOKURTRUSSELL piss out some ultra angry fastcore !! all from Switzerland !! limited + handnumbered to 530 copies !! 4€

INSOMNIA ISTERICA : alcoholarchy 7” (full ep from these Swiss alcohol desructors !! 9 traxxxx on awesome GREEN vinyl limited & # to 507 copies !! get a copy and get drunk !!) 4€

INSOMNIA ISTERICA/GROSSEL : split 7” (Swiss drunk GRINDCORE warriors. 6 new & crushing tracks. GROSSEL is France old school raw GRIND/MINCECORE with members from WHORESNATION, SATAN, DOOMSISTER & more. 4 brutal tracks. sick art-work from Huere Giulio! Ltd. to 517 numbered copies!!) 4€

INTERNAL DAMAGE/FITCAGE : split 7” (An outstanding, gorgeous classic GRINDCORE split presented to you by the best Russian musical bands in this style... ok, this line I get from the you-tube vid and it says all you need to know I think!!) 4€

INTESTINAL INFECTION/PROPHECY : split 7” (the German grinders here with 2 tracks recorded Feb. 2002 ! PROPHECY is from the states and have here 1 track of pounding deathmetal !!) 4€

INTESTINAL INFECTION/DEPRESSION : split 7” (total killer release from 2 German grind/death bands you need!) 4€

INTESTINAL INFECTION/SLAPENDEHONDEN : split 7” (after 3 loooong years of waiting this awesome split is finally out !! TOP split !!) 4€

INTESTINAL ROT : re-inventing mankind 7” (Oh My Gore… this is awesome blaaaaasting DEATH/GORE/GRIND stuff !! woeha…Limited to 273 copies Recorded in 2010 !!) 4€

INTUMESCENCE/CAMP : split 7” (aaarrrggghhh… total gorebile and death… killer all Dutch release !!) 3€

IRRITATE/BUD JUNKEES : split 7" (Finish IRRITATE are doing 2 awesome metal or like mentioned above 'GRINDROCK' tracks !! BUD JUNKEES are totally cannabis! Ofcourse this comes in green wax with green artwork !!) 4€

IRRITATION : socialrealismen 7” ( 4 tracks of more d-beat attack… food for the maniacs !!) 4€

JACK : eberkoma 7” (JACK are back with their follow-up to 'Inhumanus.' Eberkoma continues on with this Hungarian based band's breed of blasting grindcore / crossover. Six new tracks of pummeling musical destruction complete with socially based lyrics, attacking the crumbling world that surrounds us. This will appeal to fans of PHOBIA, NAPALM DEATH, TERRORIZER, and EXTREME NOISE TERROR - drawing off those influences to combine a mix of grindcore, death metal, and hardcore!! LIMITED to 300 copies in RED vinyl !!) 4€

JACK/BOMBATOLCSER : split 7” (Hc/grind/crust split from Hungary & Czech Republic !!) 4€

JOUKKOHAUTA ‎: Joukkohauta 7” (Hardcore-punk band from Joensuu, Finland! US pressing of 300 Comes with patch and sticker!) 5€

KADAVERFICKER/SHITFUCKINGSHIT : split 7” (whooping sickened GOREDEATHGRIND split from Spermany and Italy !! limited to 300 copies including 200 BLACK and 100 GREEN vinyls !! and SHITFUCKINGSHIT I have only BLACK copies available !! BUT STILL AWESOME SHIT !!!) 5€

KAMORRAH/CRANI SEPTIC : split 7” (The first record of KAMORRAH !! 5 tracks full of GRINDCORE with some groovy riffs. CRANI SEPTIC are from Barcelona and play some raw GRINDCORE with some metal/ groovy riffs) 4€

KILLGASM/SLAUGHTERBOX : split 7" (ultra blasting and gurgling split from USA !! prepare for INSANITY !!) 4€

KNIFETHRUHEAD : gold teeth, guns and bitches 7" (crazy material from these US crazies !! YELLOW wax !!!) 4€

KOBORY/GODDAMMIT : split 7” (KOBORY is the most grinding band on this split !! low and high vox !! think with drummachine and they end their set with a SPAZZ cover !! GREAT !! GODDAMMIT are more crust with metal influences ??? anyway this is a complete Spanish release !!!) 4€

KURU / EMBRYONIC DEVOURMENT : split 7" (bah... U.S. DM stuff... love it or hate it?! ) 4€

LASERGUYS/SRAM : split 7” (Scandinavian LASERGUYS play some KILLER GRINDCORE with minor influences from BLACK/DEATH METAL !! 4 tracks recorded somewhere 2012 !! GREAT STUFF !! Russian SRAM deliver also 4 tracks of RAW old-school GRINDCORE!!) 4€

LINE THE : full 7” (Polish anti fascistic HARDCORE with some HEY HO RAMONES influence!! Comes in BLUE vinyl !!!) 4€

LOBOTOMIZED/BONESAW : split 7” (total great OLD-SCHOOL DEATH METAL in the ABSCESS vein! way better than that ‘so-called’ brutal shit!)4€

MALFORMED GENTLEMEN : malignant sleep disorder S/s 7” (total old-school GRINDCORE chaos from Japan !! limited & # to 200 copies on MELTAAARGH!!!! records!! BLAAAAAAAST !!) 4€

MASS GENOCIDE PROCESS/SEE YOU IN HELL : split 7" (total CZ. hardcore/crust!!) 4€

MASS GENOCIDE PROCESS/ALAMOGORDO : split 7" (blistering crust vs. Death ?) 4€

MASTIC SCUM/HEAD CLEANER: split 7” (Technical GRIND from Austria vs. DEATHGRIND from Thessaloniki, Greece !!)  4€

MATKA TERESA/SYNTAX : split 7” (MATKA TERESA tracks where recorded at Rock Supplies July 2013 A-Doom including a NAPALM DEATH cover !! BLAAAAST !! On the flip-side are U.S. based SYNTAX blaaaaaaasting out some superfast screaming stuff !! 7 blasts to kill everything !! ughh… !!)  4€

MATKA TERESA/FUBAR : split 7” (this mind insulting split 7" will leave your conscious devastated. F.U.B.A.R. from holland provides you with the heaviest GRINDCORE assault that you'll ever experience, a sonic assault on the senses. MATKA TERESA, the power violence crusties from amsterdam will definitely blow up your stereo and leave you breathless. massive dutch audio terror united!)  4€

M.D.K./PANCREATITE NECRO HEMORRAGICA : split 7” (eeeeaaaalllggghhhh… awesome putrified gore INSANITY  from Brazil !!! MUST !!!) 5€

MEAT SLICER : all will be revealed  7" (Alternating speedy and sludgy goregrind that's been compared to the likes of AUTOPSY ; MORTICIAN ; CARCASS and AGATHOCLES !! comes in dark RED colloured vinyl !!!) 4€

MEATAL ULCER ‎: Intermittent Claudication s/s 7”  (finally a proper re-release of this classic demo from 2012! So get ready to blaaaast this mega crusher through your speakers!! Limited & # to 200 copies!)  4€

MEGASCAVENGER : songs of flesh (part I) 7” (Dark Swedish death metal is what MEGASCAVENGER is all about. The debut release from this interesting project shall arrive in the form of a two-song 7" EP entitled "Songs Of Flesh (Part I)", which features growling duets with none other than Jörgen Sandström (ex-GRAVE, KRUX, TORTURE DIVISION) and Paul Speckmann (MASTER, DEATH STRIKE, ABOMINATION)  4€

MEMENTO MORI : s/t 7" (old-school hardcore for fans of early NEGAZIONE /DECLINO) 4€

MEN AS WITCHES : drone & domination 7” (very dark and depressed bass/drum stuff including fast and slow pounding parts !!) 4€

MERCILESS PRECISION/TOECUTTER HC : split 7” (MERCILESS PRECISION from the UK with pure brutality! Fast & blast beaten grindcore! Awesome! Shake your teeth and crack your bones! TOECUTTER HC with angry negative & pissed hc in the vein of VOORHEES etc.)  4€

MESRINE/SEPTICEMIE : split 7" (total raging Canadian split release !! SWEEEEEEEEEET !! you kill for this one !!) 4€

MESRINE/DEBONED : split 7” (complete Canadian sick grinding split release !! MESRINE I don’t have to introduce you ofcourse, they are essential !! DEBONED have their vinyl debut here !!! A killer mix of IMPETIGO/RIGHTEOUS PIGS is wat you can expect from this KILLER band !! CULT already !! hehehehehehe…  out on BOG !! 5 different colors of vinyl available !!)  4€

MESRINE/GROTESQUE ORGAN DEFILEMENT : split 7” (MESRINE got here 3 studio traxxxxx recorded in Jan. 2014 ! G.O.D. crushes 4 tracks on their side including a IMPETIGO cover all recorded late 2012 and early 2013 !!  Canadian old school filthy GRINDCORE assault! Limited to 1000 copies on red wax !!)  4€

METHADONE ABORTION CLINIC/NECROCANNIBALISTIC VOMITORIUM : split 7” (Unreleased songs from US goregrinders & new songs from Ukrainian porngrinders Limited to 310 copies: 107 brown & 203 black vinyl)  5€

MINCH/SLOTH : split 7” (even more crazy then mentioned above by Mr. Mozzarella, Meatball and Lasagne !! SLOTH are depraved and INSANE !!!) 4€

MINDCOLLAPSE/BAD GRIND SPENCER : split 7” (2 AWESOME BLAAAAAAAASTING GRINDCORE bands from Spain on this split ep!! TOP!!)  4€

MINENFELD/REPULSIVE FEAST : Scourging The Sick  split 7” (MINENFELD contribute one track that impressively sets your last moment on this planet to music: hiding in the trench, waiting for the gun in your back to stop firing and as soon as you hear the whistle, you have to go and die. This track is a sonic proof, that the war on nationalism may never end! The other side presents REPULSIVE FEAST in their goriest shape until date. Two tracks of relentless bloodshed induced by the sickness that indwells humanity. Murdering others as excitement, eating the corpse for pleasure. Your ears gonna bleed from disgust!)  6€

MIXOMATOSIS : convento infernal 7" (full 7" of these old-school Spanish goregrinders !! limited to 500 copies !!) 4€

MIXOMATOSIS/ULTIMO MONDO CANNIBALE : split 7" (Spanish MIXOMATOSIS have here 1 studio track from 2006 and 1 live track from that same year. U.M.C. play some heavy pounding goregrind inc. A IMPETIGO cover !!) 4€

MIXOMATOSIS/BLOODCRAP : split 7” (MIXOMATOSIS spit out 3 live traxxxxx recorded 22-02-2006 and Italian SICK maniacs from BLOODCRAP desecrate everything on they’re bloody way with 3 pulverizing hymns of perversity !! would you cum when they come?)  4€

MIXOMATOSIS : descomposicion FLEXI 7” (9 traxxx from these SICK Spanish madmen… recorded March 2015 !!)  4€

MOTIVELESS/WOLFGANG JAPANTOUR : cosmic horror split 7” (MOTIVELESS are GRINDCORE from Hokkaido, Japan formed in 2005 & WOLFGANG JAPANTOUR play Viking Metal Pop from Hokkaido, Japan formed in 2003 !! really all great stuff!! Be quick and get a PINK vinyl!) 5€

NICE AND MR. BEAUTIFUL/SEDEM MINUT STRACHU : split 7” (MNAMB are brand new NOISECORE band from Brno / Czech republic blasting 10 traxxx of madness with cool intro’s so really nice stuff! SMS deliver another massive wall of destruction… 12 traxxxx chaos is what you get here!! Limited to 150 copies!) 5€

NICE AND MR. BEAUTIFUL/KAZEHITO SEKI : split 7” (more insane stuff from Brno and this time they split with a Japanese NOISE artist Kazehito Seki who recorded 1 long track for this split! Comes in WHITE colored vinyl!!) 5€

MUTILATED VETERANS/VASTATION : split 7” (Mutilated Veterans is a death metal / d-beat / crust punk project by members of 2 killer spanish bands, Machetazo (deathgrind, 1994-2014) and Looking For An Answer (grinding since 1999). In this split release they team up with Vastation, another fresh death/crust band from  Portland, Oregon, USA since 2014)  5€

NAB : collage di un delirio 7" (Italian old-school GRINDCORE attack on RED wax !!!) 4€

NASHGUL/SEWN SHUT : split 7" (awesome grinding and crushing release between Spanish/German labels !!) 4€

NECROCANNIBALISTIC VOMITORIUM/SMG : split 7” (3 dirty and sexy hymns from these Ukrainian most wanted sicko’s !!! Malaysian OLD-SCHOOL GRIND/PUNK maniacs from SMG destroy with 6 blaaasts !! fuckin’ love this ep !! limited and # to 303 copies in PURPLE wax !!!) 4€

NEEDFUL THINGS/ROSKOPP : split 7” (Czech vs. U.S. GRINDCORE exxxxplosion !! aaarrrrggghhh… comes in nice DARK GREEN waxxxxxx !!) 4€

NxExK : dekavernes 7” (AWESOME grinding speed stuff from Japan !! great ep you go nuts on !!) 4€

NERVE GRIND : years of shit 7” (Furious GRINDCORE from South Bay Los Angeles U.S.A. !! comes in nice BLUE/PURPLE vinyl!!)  5€

NERVOUS MOTHERS/ART OF BURNING WATER : split 7” (NERVOUS MOTHERS are actually four Belgian dudes that have served time in a number of other very fine bands. They unleash some severely harsh riffing that has some blasting, emo-violence tinged, near-grind drumming that often stick-shifts into downtuned sludge action by way of Coalesce-esque walls of atonal noise slabs! ART OF BURNING WATER continue their mission to annoy all and sundry with their slightly faster take on their usual off-kilter noise-rock with definite hardcore leanings, like a sped up Keelhaul partying with Motorhead. A brutal slow-burner this time round!)  4€

NETWORKOFTERROR!/ECFC : split 7" (total U.S. grind/sludge/lovecore... AWESOME!) 4€

NEW YORK AGAINST THE BELZEBU/LO-FI : split 7”  (NYATB side is 15 tracks of a straight-forward variation on their style of NOISECORE. No wacky instrumentation here, just unadulterated NOISECORE chaos! LO-FI is going in their most raw and aggressive direction yet, with 5 of their shortest/fastest/loudest songs to date!!)  5€

NUNSLAUGHTER/EVIL WRATH : SPLIT 7" (Finally available after many delays. comes in a sweet full color glue pocket cover with full color center labels. The masters of American devil metal go toe to toe with some evil Canadians !!)  4€

OBSESIF KOMPULSIF/SHAOLIN FINGER JABB : split (aaarrrggghh… total fastcore/grind kind of release !! you surely go WILD on this one !!!) 4€

ONE DAY IN FUKUSHIMA/GENOCIDAL TERROR : split 7” (Italy vs belgium old school raw grindcore battle influenced by repulsion/early napalm death/ terorrizer….5 crushing tracks + a wretched cover from o.d.i.f. and 4 thrashing tunes for g.t.  ltd to 350 copies!!)  4€

PAGANIZER : the portal  7” (Brand-new 7"EP by well-known Swedish death metal masters! Three new ones + intro + guest solo on "The Flesh Dwellers" by Eric Cutler from AUTOPSY !! Artwork by Roberto Toderico SINISTER, ASPHYX, PESTILENCE)  4€

PARTIYA/HUMAN COMPOST : split 7” (CRUST/GRIND/PUNK from Belarus vs. CRUST METAL from Besançon !)  4€

***PARTY CANNON ‎: Nauseating And Unpalatable FLEXY 7” (Limited Edition 7" Flexi Disc featuring "Nauseating And Unpalatable"; the first single from Party Cannon's forthcoming album, 'Volumes of Vomit'. "Nauseating And Unpalatable" features guest appearance by Ross Sewage of Exhumed and is limited to 300 copies on Orange Flexi Disc. Each disc comes with a Bandcamp download code of the single)  7€

PAUCITIES/CHULO : split 7” (fucking great split !! 2 insane raw bands !! watch out playing this because labels are reversed !! MINCING GRIND !!) 5€

PERMANENT DEATH/PISSDEADS : split 7" (finally some more PERMANENT DEATH material on wax !! recordings from 2001 or 2002 !! And also finally the vinyl debut from PISSDEADS with 7 blaaaaasts from 2008 !! KILLER !!) 4€

PHOBIA/SKRUPEL : split 7” (Insane fast material from the states and germany, 6 tracks by Phobia and 8 tracks by $krupel on this unrelenting 7" represent intense, honest and compelling platter of crusty grind/hardcore that will leave its listeners as devastated as the band's bleak political vision. So the fastcore gears be prepared to this)  4€

PISSDEADS/DEATHWANK : split 7” (another fucking HARSHHHH NOISECORE/SCUMCORE release limited to 250 copies ! co-released by BOG!!)4€

P.O.S./SAUL TURTELTAUB : split 7” (another gem that had to wait way too many years for beings pressed by the mighty steam machines !! P.O.S. is already R.I.P. feat. Thomas from PERMANENT DEATH !!! SAUL TURTELTAUB you maybe know from their split with AGx !! crushing session from all)4€

POWERCUP : strategy… lot’s of tops… 7” (After a 5-year absence, Candian duo POWERCUP return with a pummeling 12-track EP to renovate your face.  limited to 300 copies on durable black vinyl!)  5€

PRIMORDIAL SOUNDS/SOCIAL CHAOS : split 7” (yesss… finally the vinyl debut from Belgian noisers P.S. !! the new PERMANENT DEATH !! KILLER material! Brazilian SOCIAL CHAOS grind another 4 excellent tracks that really crush!)4€

PRISONER 639/STEVEXJOBS : split 7” (The PRISONER 639 duo have here 7 tracks + intro from 2015 & STEVEXJOBS deliver experimental powerviolence/fastcore and are from Buenos Aires, Argentina!!)  4€

PRISONER 639/KADAVERFICKER : split 7” (More RAW madness from the 639 guys, this time splitted with German clowns from KADAVERFICKER!! 500 copies pressed !!) 4€

PRISONER 639/THROW ME IN THE CRATER : split 7” (more POWERVIOLENCE/ SLUDGE madness from Belgium and Holland!!)  4€

PROGRESS OF INHUMANITY : economy extortion 7” (PROGRESS OF HUMANITY hail from Greece!! The vox remind me sometimes of RIGHTEOUS PIGS !! included here are 9 brand new tracks of furious GRINDCORE plus a Suicidal Tendencies cover !!) 4€

PROLETAR/GREBER : split 7” (2 tracks from the Indonasian grinders !! KILLER !! GREBER is more drum/bass madness with frustrated vox !!) 4€

PSYCHO SIN/CYANAMID/SOCIAL DECAY/LETHAL AGGRESSION ‎: NJ Made 4 way split 7” (What you about to hear is the sound of New Jersey. Best underground music! These 4 bands have influenced many bands!Pioneers of the 1980’s hardcore scene. Ugly, loud, emotional, disturbing, offset, played from their heart & soul, sincere. Cyanamid will take you on a journey, never aiming to please, just sharing their inner feelings and experiences. Social Decay OG NJHC (New Jersey hardcore) started in 1984 these recordings live in 1986 at CBGB! Lethal Aggression OG crossover thrash started in 1985. These tracks from the brick life demo late 80’s!)  5€

PSYCHOTIC SUFFERANCE/MELANOCETUS MURAYI : split 7" (aaarrrggghhh... expect some serious DAMAGE !! it could be your speakers... perhaps the amplifier, but more likely it will be YOU !! total noisecore/harsh destruction !!!) 4€

PSYCHOTIC SUFFERANCE/EKUNHAASHAASTAACK : split 7” (Indonesian noisecore gods Vs French brutal harshnoise head ! LIMITED & # to 250 copies in RED vinyl !!!)  4€

PSYCHOTIC SUFFERANCE/SPOSA IN ALTO MARE : split 7” (SPOSA IN ALTO MARE = Italy – padova grinding d-beat attack!  4 brutal tracks. PSYCHOTIC SUFFERANCE = Malaysia NOISECORE inferno. 8 filthy & raging tracks !!)  4€

PULMONARY FIBROSIS/FROTTIS DE L'ESPACE : Respire Par Le Nez  split 7” (Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies on WHITE colored wax!) 5€

PURGATIVE KLYSTER/VOL 4 : split 7” (punk/grind/noise vs. drone/harsh deconstructions… a real brain smasher !! great stuff !!)  4€

PURULENT REMAINS/HORRIBLE : split 7″ (PURULENT REMAINS is a barbaric band coming from the worst Barcelona and Panama´s suburbs offering you 2 sick death-grind-gore tracks while HORRIBLE from shitty Madrid, show 6 new tracks of chaotic and bad sounding GRINDCORE!!)  6€

RABIES/GREX : split 7" (total killer fast grindcore split !! AWESOME !!! limited to 555 handnumbered copies !!) 4€

RADIATION SICKNESS/CARDIAC ARREST : split 7” (Another Fat Ass Records release ! Classick Death Metal split featuring two of the Midwest's longest running bands, Radiation Sickness and Cardiac Arrest. Formed in 1987, Indianapolis' Radiation Sickness assaults the senses with two new does of insanity. Nearing the 20 year mark, Chicago's Cardiac Arrest spews forth a new exclusive track, plus a cover of the Mortician classick, "Three on a Meathook" Very Brutal!!!)  4€

RAGEOUS INTENT/FINAL CUNT : split 7” (killer split 7” between 2 very raw and old-school GRIND/NOISE bands !! lot’s of ROT influences I hear from the RAGEOUS INTENT material !! GREAT !! F.C. destroy 10 traxxxxx including a SERRANDO CODOS and VIOLENT HEADACHE cover !!)  4€

RAGEOUS INTENT/GREED : split 7” (A new split 7" full of extreme noise. One side the mexican band Greed that play raw grindcore with a great crust beats, two tracks. On the other side, from Madrid Rageous Intent with members of Denak, Disturbance Project, Camara de Gas, Perras Salvajes,.. 4 new songs and Violent headcache cover. Primitive and furios grindcore that smash your head)  5€

RAGEOUS INTENT/ALEA IACTA EST : split 7” (Fuck yessss… awesome TOTAL GRINDCORE split between Spain and Slovakia !!! TOP release !!) 4€

RAGEOUS INTENT/HORSE BASTARD : split 7” (Spanish GRINDCORE blaaaasts vs. British GRINDCORE band from Liverpool who call their music 'Equestrian Blastcore' !! this is ultra faaaaaast shit!!!) 4€

RATS SOCIETY/ERASER : split 7” (primitive GRINDCORE madness! 2 bands devoted to early  NAPALM DEATH , REPULSION , S.O.B. & 80’s /early 90’s grind/death.  5 crushing tracks from each band. 100% old school !!)  4€

RAUCHERS/AB-HORIGENI : split 7” (AB-HORIGENI = ITALY – Torino fast & brutal political hardcore with male/female vocals delivering 4 crushing songs. RAUCHERS = Garda obscure hc-violence with 2 brutal & raging tracks!)  5€

RAW NOISE APES/DEAD ISSUE : split 7” (DEAD ISSUE Los Angeles, USA GRIND CORE school. Their latest recording with 4 new songs. Raw and brutal Grind Core madness. RAW NOSIE APES hail from Tessaloniki, GREECE. Here bring you total GRIND CORE annihilation. 6 new songs of fitlhy raw sound)  4€

REAL UGLY : live - suffer - and - struggle  7" (grinding madness from the states !! compare them with TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION and BRUTAL TRUTH... that kind of MADNESS !! great stuff !! comes in WHITE & BLACK vinyls !!) 4€

REPULSIONE/ARCHETYPE OF NOTHING : split 7"(total Italian blastgrindmadness!)4€

REPULSIONE/KOMATOZ : split 7” (ultra speedy fastcore from Italy vs. thrashy death from Russia !!) 4€

REPULSIVE FEAST : Meat Hook Mutilation 7” (Come and feast at the repulsive fusion of death metal and grindcore. After gaining decent recognition last year with the “Brewing Rancid Stew” EP, the German gruesome trio returns to the sound of classic and abrasive death/grind riffing from the masters of gore under the name “Meat Hook Mutilation”)  6€

ROSKOPP/DOUBLED OVER : split 7” (killer GRINDING shit from both bands !! DOUBLED OVER hail from Australia !!)  4€

RUST/TUNKIO : split 7” (Yeah… FINALLY!! Here is BOG084 after few years of delay it’s all yours! TOTAL GRINDING madness from Finland! Available in 3 different colors! BLACK vinyl = 4€ and WHITE OPAQUE + LIGHT BLUE OPAQUE vinyl colors limited to 53 copies each are 5€)

RVOTA/SCHLAM : split 7” (AWESOME !!! AAAWWWWEEEEESSSSSOOOOOMMMMEEEEE !!!!! this is a complete Russian release by labels and bands !! great raw stuff from RVOTA including a LARM cover !! SCHLAM has 1 killer track on this split… dark sounding INDUSTRIAL influenced and yesssssss I hear a lot of early primitive GODFLESH influences !!! KILLER EP limited & # to 310 copies including 100 GREEN vinyls !!) 4€

SACTHU/MONGÓLICO/CANNIBAL FEROX : 3 way split 7” (3 x GRIND here released on black waxxxx!! Limited to 533 copies and they come with a OBI ! killer stuff from Spain/Colombia!!)  5€

SAKATAT/CUT YOUR THROAT : split 7" (yeah... another GREAT release from one of the BEST grindcore bands today SAKATAT !!! CUT YOUR THROAT from Greece play some KILLER noisy GRINDCORE that SHREDS !! KILLER bands!) 4€

SAKATAT/DISPEPSIAA : split 7” (YEEAAAHH !!! and here it is ladies and gentlemen !! TOTALLY reviving the old-school grindcore insanity !! considered as a CULT release before it was even out (I did !!) limited to 530 copies !!!) 4€

SAKATAT/MATKA TERESA : split 7” (2 tracks from Turkish GRINDCORE godzzzz SAKATAT including an ASSUCK cover !! Polish/Dutch MATKA TERESA have here 6 tracks recorded in 2004 and remastered in 2011 !! KILLER SHIT from BOTH bands !! 1000 copies pressed including 200 GREY !!) 4€

SAND CREEK MASSACRE/M:40 : split 7” (an ep full with brutal CRUST !! 3 tracks from M40 from Sweden and Dutch SAND CREEK MASSACRE destroy also with 2 crusty tracks !) 4€

SANITYS DAWN/MINDFLAIR : split 7" (total German grind/screamo stuff on nice WHITE vinyl !!! SUPER !!!) 4€

SATANIC MALFUNCTIONS/FAMINE : split 7” (Legendary hardcore/punk band from Scarborough formed in the mid 80's team up with fresh blood from Leeds! 4 new songs from each band. SATANIC MALFUNCTIONS continue their aggressive, intense and ultra fast hardcore/punk combined with thrash/grind fury. This will please all fans of other UK (and not only) bands like ACTIVE MINDS, DISORDER, ATAVISTIC, ELECTRO HIPPIES, L’ARM, HERESY. FAMINE play solid piece of grindcore/fastcore for fans of THE AFTERNOON GENTLEMEN or CHIENS and the likes!)  4€

SCHNAUZER/DOKTOR BITCH : split 7” (Jim Teufel of SCHNAUZER said: ‘this is the craziest stuff we ever did’ – I double this quote ! 3 songs of SCHNAUZER / 2 songs + outro from DOKTOR BITCH. SCHNAUZER is feat. members from NUNSLAUGHTER, APT. 213, MINCH and countless others… DOKTOR BITCH is ex-SOCKEYE doing a weird CELTIC FROST / SM-70 kind of style ! CLEAR wax!!)  4€

SCHNAUZER/SOLIPSIST : split 7” (Welcome freaks to a new session! Mighty SCHNAUZER with two new tracks. More powerviolent and rough than ever before. Share this split with SOLIPSIST. Brutal horror death core! Fuck Boston! Fuck Westcoast, Fuck Eastcoast! This is Cleveland! This is Ohio!) 4€

SCURVY/MORSGATT : funeral fist fucker  split 7” (aaarrrggghhh… already legendary SCURVY from Sweden here with 4 killer grinding tracks including a DEAD INFECTION cover !!! MORSGATT are deranged German dicks & ASSholes !!) 4€

SEBUM EXCESS PRODUCTION : seborrhea Feelings  S/s 7” (Sssssplattering... fucking raging gore noise stupidity from Brazil!! 11 traxxxxx of pus and sebum now out on MELTAAARGH!!!! records! Limited & # to 200 copies!)  4€

SEDEM MINUT STRACHU/ADOLF SHITTER : split 7” (Der schrecken über noisecore ist back ! Vs Slovakia noisecore's finest team ! co-released by  NO FUCKIN’ LABELS and UNDERGROUND POLLUTION rec. !! limited to 200 BIG hole copies on PURPLE vinyl !!)  4€

SEDEM MINUT STRACHU/UNCONSCIOUS DISHARMONIC MALFUNCTION : split 7” (Slovakia bulldozer NOISECORE vs. Japanese HARSHGRIND insanity !! can you handle it???? UDM is a new BAND/PROJECT from Ryohei/FINAL EXIT ! available in 3 vinyl colors !!) 4€

SEDEM MINUT STRACHU/DISLEKSICK : split 7” (yessss… on exactly the same day the split TAPE with ORAL NOISE came out 6 noisy years ago another bulldozer guitar wall powered NOISECORE split release from Slovakian SMS exxxxplodes here @ the BOG/MELTAAARGH!!!! headquarters and they were joined this time by the long time going Canadian GRINDCORE/NOISE PUNK maniacs from DISLEKSICK, another band that was years ago already active on the BOG release roster both via various VINYL and TAPE exxxcretions, now melted together with SMS on 1 sweeeeet pulverizing split ep! About 325 copies where pressed in a total of 4 different colors! BLACK vinyl = 4€ and the 3 remaining ultra limited colored versions of only 50 copies each and exxxxclusive for mailorder only are each 5€)

SEDEM MINÚT STRACHU  feat. SPACE GRINDER/3 ONANY BOYS : split 7” (TOTAL NOISECORE blaaaaast split release !! TOP release! Just since October ’23 so check it out and get yourself a copy!!)  7€

SEMEN/WASTE MANKIND : split 7” (blaaaasting from start ‘till finish from both bands!! Import from Mexico!!)  5€

SEPPUKU/NECROCUM : split 7” (Finaly out after some delay this incredible piece of lo fi thrash!! Giallo themed noisecore from both. SEPPUKU hail from the UK and do 57 trx of demented noisecore atrocity while NECROCUM from Germany have a more lo fi noise punk approach. Lmtd 250 copys!)  4€

SEPTIC SURGE/EXTORTION : split 7” (both bands hail from down under !! SEPTIC SURGE are drum and bass violence influenced by MITB/CROSSED OUT and EXTORTION is fast as fuck Hardcore violence !! KILLER SHIT !!) 4€ 

SERRANDO CODOS/TURRONIZER : split 7” (TOTAL noisy killer split from Spain! Limited & # to only 300 copies on BLACK WAXXXX!!!)  4€

SETE STAR SEPT/MADRE COCA : split 7” (aaarrrggghhh… very proud to present the world this MASTERPIECE split in NOISECORE !!! fuck you know all SSS so get it blindfold !!! On the otherside, this is German NOISECORE duo MADRE COCA their vinyl debut and damn they seriously puke out some GREAT ULTRA RAW NOISECORE !!! limited and # BOG release availabale in PURPLE vinyl 100 copies for mailorder only and regular BLACK vinyl 400 copies !!! the MAILORDER version is 5€ and the BLACK edition = 4€ !!!)

SETE STAR SEPT/SHITFUN : split 7” (yeah… more noise/grind shit on BOG !!! I think I can stop now explaining what SSS is all about !!? you all know it already he??? But maybe still didn’t heard of Brazilian SHITFUN !? NO? so about time you do !!! AWESOME ‘serial killer grindcore’ from Brazil… perhaps the Brazilian MESRINE !!?? this is their vinyl DEBUT and on BOG = me happy !!! available in BLACK = 4€ and GRASS GREEN MARBLED mailorder only edition = 5€)

SETE STAR SEPT/NO COMPLY : split 7” (NO COMPLY serves up 5 songs, including a SPAZZ cover from their 1997 demo TAPE ! Featured members on this recording include ex members of ASSHOLE PARADE, ANSOJUAN, etc. TOTAL SPAZZ worship artwork by Spidermike Vinatieri of CAPITALIST CASUALTTIES !! Japan’s 2 piece SETE STAR SEPT included 6 new traxxxx on this split !! NOISE NOISE NOOOOOIIIISSSEEE !!!!) 4€

SETE STAR SEPT/JUCIFER : split 7” (7 blaaaasts from SETE STAR SEPT recorded at the Noise room studio on February 9th 2014 !! does this madness ever stop I hear you thinking… NO! JUCIFER deliver 2 tracks released earlier on their last full lenght. Artworks by two killers: Jurictus and Sam Rictus)  4€

SETE STAR SEPT/DISLEKSICK : split SQUARE FLEXY (oh boy… MEGA NOISE FUSION on 1 sided SQUARE flexy 7” !! don’t think I have to explain what you are going to hear after putting your needle on this one I think !!!??? limited and # to 250 copies YELLOW flexynoiseblurrrrrrr… !!!)  4€

SETE STAR SEPT/HADES MINING CO. : split 7” (Rabid noise grind from Japan vs. Doom/Jazz abortion from the USA. Comes with mini posters from each band as well as a copy of the flyer from the infamous basement show in Buffalo NY where both bands met up for one night only on the 2015 Sete Star Sept East Coast USA tour. Limited to 200 copies and NO RE-PRESS!!)  5€

SETE STAR SEPT/GOD’S AMERICA : split 7” (September 3, 2014 in San Jose, CA, USA: Half-way through the west coast leg of their massive continental tour, Sete Star Sept (with God's America in tow) performed live on the radio much to the chagrin of station staff and surprise of anyone randomly flipping through radio stations. The recordings of these broadcast performances were so good, and the memories of Sete Star Sept/God's America west coast tour dates so positive, that we all decided to collectively release it on a neat and tidy 7". Sete Star Sept is basically the best band in the world. Duh. In a live setting, they are an experience unlike any other. Bending physics, warping reality, overloading senses, they simply rage harder, faster, and stronger than anybody else. Sometimes you sit back and wonder "man, are these even songs?" and then you notice how they always manage to start/stop on-point and follow each other's cues and you're just left with a little sense of awe. A performance that's so wild, unhinged, and chaotic, that it feels like "music" isn't the appropriate expression to contain it. God's America hails from my favorite American city (Las Vegas) and totally won me over when they played in Baltimore a few years back. They straddle the line between "fast hardcore/power violence" and "grindcore", being just too brutal for a hardcore band but too rooted in organic sounds and energies to be a grindcore band (with all the inhuman musical tropes associated with the genre). The result is a band that plays a totally familiar yet distinctly unique style of grind/hardcore)  5€

SETE STAR SEPT/GRINDER BUENO : split 7” (Hell yeah… another TOTALLY INSANE NOISECORE BLAAAAAAAST vinyl output on BOG !! sure I won’t have to explain what to expect… SSS you know and GRINDER BUENO just also released a split 7” with ADOLF SHITTER on U.P. records from France !! Believe me my friends… THEY ARE GOOD !!! Get your perfect blend of Japanese/French NOISE and choose from 3 different vinyl colors… RED / CLEAR DARK BLUE and BLACK !!)  4€

SETE STAR SEPT/COCK E.S.P : split 7” (Back in stock! Japanese noisegrind Killers Vs US psycho noise team legends ! BEWARE, SSS side is 33rpm, Cock esp side is 45rpm ! Noisecore violence captured on black wax, lim to 200 copies !) 5€

SHITGRINDER/HEXX : split 7” (Hexx are Perths version of BOLT THROWER, you'll need a handful of nangs and beers to endure this. SHITGRINDER, the filthy duo of two of Brisbanes most lovely people, classic, old-school GRIND worship, but enough uniqueness to stand out from all the bullshit!!) 5€

SHITNOISE BASTARDS : Lo​-​Fi Does Not Mean Sucks, It's A Threat​!​! 7” (Three lovely and polite dudes making the most insane heinous noisecore attack, Blastmaster's lightspeed blastbeats providing the foundation of an insane noise-not-music assault on the senses. With their exciting "freestyle grindcore" SNB have reached AGATHOCLES/UNHOLY GRAVE levels of prolific output, with seemingly hundreds of split tapes and CD-Rs released all over the world, with everyone from unknown Thai GRINDCORE like Bangkok Anarchy to legends like YACOPSAE to SETE STAR SEPT and MORTE LENTA. please enjoy some of the finest grind Malaysia has to offer! Limited to 300 copies!)  5€

SHITSTORM/RADIATION : split 7” (The Grind crew SHITSTORM with Jonathan Nuñez and Rick Smith from TORCHE terrorize with gruffer, speed/death metal-tinged destruction 7 great tracks. Gainesville FL's RADIATION release their next split 7”after a highly regarded 7”, demo tape and live Grindcore influenced raw punk in vein of CONFUSE, SORE THROAT, FEAR OF GOD, etc. Dueling vocals and a break neck speed & intensity to weed out the posers and copy cats of the genre)  4€ 

SICK DESTROYER/CARAVAN KIDS : split 7” (SICK DESTROYER with 11 songs in 5 minutes. Old school GRINDCORE with filthy sound and is a project including members from NEEDFUL THINGS, LYCANTHROPHY, CONTROLLED EXISTENCE! On the flip side we have CARAVAN KIDS from Sweden with 5 Brutal GRINDCORE songs!)  4€

SICK TERROR/REPULSIONE : split 7" (ultra exxxxtreme split from Brazil & Italy! great!) 4€

SICK TERROR/GRITOS DE ALERTA : split 7" (great blasting total Brazilian split !!!) 4€

SICK TERROR/MIGRA VIOLENTE : split 7" (fucking great GRIND/FASTCORE/... whatever ultra raw release !! comes in nice RED colloured vinyl !! THIS IS RAW AND VIOLENT STUFF !!!) 4€

SKITZO/SHRINE OF SCARS : split 7" (total USA release !  SKITZO play metal kind of stuff and SHRINE OF SCARS play some DEATH METAL/THRASH fueled shit !)  4€

SKUNK/RESTRICTED RIGHTS : split 7” (Two Canadian bands delivering fast and ripping crustcore, unlike most they raise the bar of what is truly extreme !! SKUNK feat. Dan & Joe from ARCHAGATHUS / VIOLENT GORGE /… !!)  5€

SLAPENDEHONDEN/KNIFETHRUHEAD : split 7"(raging grind/hardcore/metal vs. GRONIBARD/A.C. kind of goremetal fun from the states !!) 4€

SLAPENDEHONDEN/ANTI SOCIAL DEGENERATES : split 7" (dutch grindpunx with another 3 tracks full of HATE vs. 2 punk/hardcore tracks from ANTI SOCIAL DEGENERATES  cool release !!!) 4€

SLAPENDEHONDEN/I WITNESS : split 7” (1 track of the Dutch punkgrinders ! instrumental theme with loooot’s of cool movie samples in it !! AWESOME TRACK !!! I WITNESS are from Siberia and play some… eh… maybe hardcore?) 4€

SOCIAL CHAOS/TERROR FIRMER : split 7” (killer split from Italy/Brazil !! very few copies so hurry up to get one !!!) 4€

SOIL OF IGNORANCE : dealing with the remains 7” (SOIL OF IGNORANCE hail from Canada and play some killer GRIND with many other influences mixed in ! never boring… only ripping !! GREAT ep !!)  4€

SOIL OF IGNORANCE/ENDLESS DEMISE : split 7” (Quebec VS L.A epic grind battle. Both bands play filthy, raw, blasting GRINDCORE the way it was meant to be played. Nothing polished or pretty about it!!)  5€

SOLYPSIS : to know death… …you have to fuck life in the gallbladder 7” (Solypsis specialises in speaker shredding frequencies and fucked up non dancefloor smashes. It's a harsh world he inhabits !! LIMITED to 200 copies in RED vinyl !!)  5€

SORDID CLOT/DECIBEL CHAOS INJECTION : split 7” (This punishing split boasts the best blast beats Bryansk, Russia has to offer from gory deathgrind freaks, SORDID CLOT, and crunchy grinders, DECIBEL CHAOS INJECTION!)  4€

SOULSKINNER/GRAVE WAX : split 7” (DM from Greece vs. DM from Virginia/Florida feat. Kam Lee & the Riddick brothers !!)  4€

SPERMBLOODSHIT : grinding under the influence 7” (Limited edition 7" vinyl with fold-out poster cover including 150 black copies ; 140 red copies ; 110 red/black copies ! side A has 4 cover songs (Judas Priest, Rotten Sound, Venomous Concept, Haemorrhage) and SBS has 3 new tracks on the flip side! I have all 3 colors in limited stock!!) 5€

SRAM/ABORTION : split 7” (yeah… killer brand new split release between Slovakian grinders ABORTION and Russian maniacs SRAM !! a total of 10 traxxxx to go crazy on!! Co-released by 6 labels !! TOP release!!)  4€

STEP ON IT/CRIPPLED FOX : tribute to Tony Soprano  split 7” (STEP ON IT play some DOG EAT DOG vs. ANTHRAX stuff ! while CRIPPLED FOX do some HARDCORE stuff with lot’s of samples from mr. Tony himself ! comes in CLEAR wax !) 4€

STOP BREATHING : santa cruz ep  7” (classic 80’s influenced fast punk from Ventura, CA ! limited to 500 copies !!)  5€

STRAIGHT EDGE KEGGER/KNIFETHRUHEAD : split 5"  (both bands deliver 1 crushing track for this ultra sweet 5" release !! comes in nice grey/purple marble ??? kind of colloured WAX !!! make sure you don't miss this one !!)  4€

STRIVER/VENGEANCE : split 7" (This record is a beastly and aggressive dose of in your face old school thrashcore!)  5€

Su19b/DREADEYE : split 7” (total Japanese release !! fucking killer material from both bands !! ESSENTIAL !!) 4€

Su19b/TERROR FIRMER : split 7” (Japan gloomy sludge-violence with FINAL EXIT drummer delivering 2 heavy & brutal tracks! TERROR FIRMER are old school thrashing GRINDCORE! Special release with the collaboration of jesus in poland memebers. 2 crushing tracks + a TERRORIZER cover!)  4€

SUBCUT/FUCK THE FACTS : split 7" (yeah !!! AWESOME Brazil/Spain split from 2 KILLER bands !! RED wax !!) 4€

SUBCUT/DERANGED INSANE : split 7” (TOTAL GRINDING Brazilian release !! co-released by 8 labels and lim. + # to 300 copies !!!)  5€

SUBCUT/SRAM : split 7”  (Brazilian GRINDCORE vs. MINCE GRIND from Moscow = TOTAL GRINDING MADNESS !!!)  4€

SUCCUMB : Punishment 7”  (SUCCUMB, from Massachusetts, USA. They play fast GRINDCORE, similar to ASSUCK. Some of them have been in other bands you may have heard of (Orchid, Vaccine, Bucket Full of Teeth, Ampere, Death Evocation, The Cancer Kids, No Faith, etc. etc.). 1 sided 7” with 4 tracks. Killer!)  4€

SUFFERING MIND/MATKA TERESA : split 7” (Total raw grind split! SUFFERING MIND with live recording from a show in Wroclaw 2012. 6 songs of sheer GRINDCORE. MATKA TERESA comes back with raw rehearsal tracks! FASTCORE/GRIND full of noise!!)  4€

SYSTEM SHIT/RISING NATION : split 7" (cult DEATH/GRIND material from 2 Belgian bands released in '93 !!) 4€

TERRORAZOR/SLAPENDEHONDEN : split 7" (again great material from both bands !! so needless to say that this shit is essential for your collection !! great release done by 8 different labels !!) 4€

TERROR FIRMER/HUMUS : split 7” (yeah… totally crazy Italian release!! TERROR FIRMER bring you some old-school thrashing grindcore !! HUMUS are some bloodsucking speadfreaks that surely will crack your brains !! NICE shit !!) 4€

TERROR FIRMER/MINKIONS : split 7” (3 excellent GRINDING THRASH tracks from TERROR FIRMER from Italy and MINKIONS play some great old-school THRASH / H/C stuff from the eighties… GREAT !!! awesome split !!!) 4€

TERROR FIRMER/EATING MACHINE : split 7” (killer release again !! EATING MACHINE are GRINDCORE from the states !!!) 4€

TERRORISM : atrocities of reality 7" (politics and gore !!! yeah... it's all the same SHIT !!!) 4€

TERROR OF DYNAMITE ATTACK/REPULSIONE : split 7” (yeahhh… 8 tracks of whirlwind tornado destruction by TERROR OF DYNAMITE ATTACK including a REPULSIONE & EXIT WOUNDS cover !! The Italian mad men play 3 tracks here recorded in April 2011 !!) 4€

THE DAY MAN LOST/DREAMS ARE FREE, MOTHERFUCKER! : split 7" ultra fast screaming grind blasts !! 4€

THE MILD : left to starve 7” (Italy – Venezia / Treviso gloomy GRINDCORE !!  6 raging & brutal tracks)  4€

THE WANKYS : s/t  7”  (Newest 7" by SPHC stalwarts The Wankys, one of the world's chief purveyors of noise punk. Of course they are playing straight-forward noise punk (nothing but braindrill guitars, bouncing bass, and drill beats to be found here) but they have an extensive enough catalog and a unique enough vision that they no longer qualify as "sounding like X", they just sound like themselves)  5€

THOUSANDSWILLDIE : a carcass is only dead once 7” (Brutal Bay Area three-piece grindcore, equal parts guitar, vocals and drums. First release after their 9 song, 3 minute self-released demo CD. Some have called Thousandswilldie the West Coast answer to Pig Destroyer and have compared them to bands like Benumb, Discordance Axis, Dropdead and Assuck. 25 songs in 8 min - a must for anyone who enjoys enraged and diverse song-writing within the realm of faster heavy music)  4€

THRILLKILLERS/BREATHILIZOR : split 7"(Pumping into your mainline artery a concrete mixer worth of heart punishing riffage, THRILLKILLERS take the stage in this rare snap shot of multi tracked brilliance. This band features RUPTURE's Mark Zombo and will take you on a journey way beyond where the dreaded Green Goblin would ever stray....right into the streets of demented punkrock metal decadence. On the flipside, prepare your mind, body, and soul to be taken down as the room fills with black psychedelic satan thrash from this band of merry occultists from Ohio known as BREATHILIZOR. Their new track "Barrell Full of Satans" is sure to harken your mind back to every memory of feeling good about killing stuff. Be warned!)  4€

TINNER/SLAPENDEHONDEN : split 7" (great crust/grind split !! out on various labels !!) 4€

TOLERANCE : human bondage S/Sided 7”  (AWESOME blaaasting 1 man project from Finland !! PURE, FILTHY and RAW GRINDCORE !! KILLER SHIT!! Double debut here… first release of MELTAAARGH!!!! records + vinyl debut from TOLERANCE !! limited and # to 200 copies!!)  4€

TORTURING NURSE/EARTH INCUBATOR : split 7” (More insanity from these Chinese maniacs !!! EARTH INCUBATOR from Russia are specialized on experiments in noise and indie music !! BIG hole BLACK wax !! yeah… great NOISE comes on BIG center hole ep’s !!!) 4€

TRAVØLTA/BOOM : split 7” (Dbeat, Powerviolence, Fastcore from Heultje, Belgium vs. Fastcore/crust from Toulouse, France!)  4€

TSUBO : disdegno 7” (latest full ep released in 2017 containing 5 traxxxx of Italian GRINDCORE !!)  4€

TU CARNE/ULTIMO MONDO CANNIBALE : split 7” (brrrrrr… total sickness from Spain and Italy !! each band exxxxxcrete 2 trax of filth !!) 4€

TUMOUR : prepare to putrefy (12 splatter attacks from Rogore !!! prepare yourself for putrefaction !!!) 4€

TUMOUR/PROCTALGIA : split 7” (ultra splatter release !! Rogore here with 8 bloodsucking tracks recorded in 1997 – 1999 ! PROCTALGIA blast 3 drummachine driven tracks including a KILLER EXULCERATION cover !!) 4€

TUMOUR : disposer 7” (19 gargling goredelicious tracks + live material from 2002 !! limited + handnumbered to 317 copies only !!!) 4€

TUNKIO/YDINASEETON POHJOLA : split 7” (Two generations of Jyväskylä punk scene meets when the Old farts join forces with the young studs. With the power of youth TUNKIO blasts 8 tracks of raw crasher grind with guttural vocals. YDINASEETON POHJOLA is back with 3 tracks recorded same time as split with Ydintuho! Limited to 250 copies on BLACK vinyl!)  4,50€

TUNKIO ‎: world of maniacs s/s 7” (YEAH… 9 new GRINDING splatter traxxxxx from these 2 insane guys from Finland!! Limited & # to 200 copies!!)  4€

TWISTED TRUTH : the pile of scrawl 7” (16 insane tracks from these Czech maniacs including a ANAL CUNT cover !!) 4€

ULTIMATE BLOWUP/JIGSORE PUZZLE : split 7” (fastcore powerviolence from Germany & Turkey !!)  4€

UNHOLY GRAVE/KADAVERFICKER : split 7" (yeah... finally back in stock !! awesome crushing Japanese anti terrorism grind vs. 100% disgusting nekrokore from Germany !! sweeeeet split if you ask me !!!) 4€

UNHOLY GRAVE/FETUS EATERS : split 7” (U.G. have here 4 ultra raw tracks recorded in 2005 !! and FETUS EATERS do 5 tracks of grindvoilence ! very nice release on MORBID REALITY RECORDS from U.S.A. !!) 4€

UNHOLY GRAVE : unholy warfare 7” (another ultra raw grind outburst released by AGROMOSH rec. !!! limited to 500 copies in various colors !!) 5€

UNHOLY GRAVE : fake world 7” (Japans DIY grind gods are back with a full ep!! 9 tracks recorded at holiday Nagoya back in 2009. UNHOLY GRAVE have been grinding for over 20 years now and haven't lost a bit of their edge!! Back in stock so don’t sleep on it !!)  5€

VARIOUS : 6 lessons of hate 7" (feat. MIXOMATOSIS ; NIPPERCREEP ; UROPHAGIA ; DETERIORATION ; SUBDUXTION ; FECAL BACTERIA ...awesome release !!! limited and handnumbered to 500 copies !!!) 4€

VARIOUS : Boum Coeur records 4 (6 bands from various genres on this French ep including ECOUTE LA MERDE with a HARSH NOISE track I love !! other bands on this 4th volume are: SEVEN OF NINE ; KAMIENSKI ; PETER PETER FALK ; SCHTERN ; HONK FOR MASS) 4€

VARIOUS : HUMIT / ABORTION / ALEA IACTA EST / SEDEM MINÚT STRACHU / KUMURU / PASKUDA : 6 way split 7" 6 way split of slovak noise core and grind bands. Our scene still live! HUMIT - noise grind from psychiatric hospital, Martin ABORTION - veterans of slovak grind scene, west Slovakia ALEA IACTA EST - grind inferno from south Slovakia in vein of DISRUPT, out three 7"s. SEDEM MINÚT STRACHU - noise core by Jan from IDIOTS PARADE, Rišo from SANGRE DE CRISTO and Rado KAZ. Chaos!  KUMURU - funky jazz emo power violence.  PASKUDA - total fast core aus Banská Bystrica.)  5€

VARIOUS : 4 way gang bang dans marde!!! Split 7” (An unrelenting barrage of horrific noise out to destroy your ears!!! Four fucked up, maniacal bands from across the globe, mostly Canada, have banded together for one reason, to ruin your fucking day! Feat. MEUH!!! ; CUM SOCK ; DECHE-CHARGE ; DEFLOWERED CUNT)  4€

VARIOUS : no more borders 7” (4 way all PUNK split ep feat.  MDC / SÖM-HI NÖISE / RAW POWER / NAKED AGGRESSION !!)  4€

VARIOUS ‎: Abolish Music Now! Flexy 7” (back in stock!! 60 bands on this little blue square flexy 7” !! going from harshnoise to noisecore/grindcore madness!! Feat. HARSH SUPPLEMENT ; DISLEKSICK ; REEKING CROSS ; NAPALM DEATH IS DEAD ; FRANK GOSHIT ; YACØPSÆ ; … and so much more insane projects/bands !!!)  5€

VENGEANCE/JUGULAR SCARS : split 7” (VENGEANCE is fast core grinding disco-violence & JUGULAR SCARS are old school PowerViolence punk hXc with members of DAHMER and COLD NORTH… !)  4€

VISCERA/NECROCANNIBALISTIC VOMITORIUM : split 7” (Last songs from Australian porngrind sickos, Viscera is dead now. Unreleased songs from NxVx, recorded in 2013. This 7" was delayed for 6 years!)  5€

VOIDS OF VOMIT : Ritval Expiation  7” (In an era of "old school" underweight hipster revivalists drenched in reverbs and "atmosphere" (that doesn't sound old school at all), VoV comes back after 6 years of riots, line-up genocides and mental breakdowns striking with 2 new death hymns, already released on tape by Unholy Domain records (august 2016) now ready for proper vinyl!)  5€

VULTURES (the) / STOCKHOLM BLODBAD : split 7" (fuckin' great total Swedish release !! you wil go crazy !!) 4€

WADGE/THE ENDLESS BLOCKADE : split 7” (7 new Tracks from the Canadian Powerhouse + 3 killer Tracks from the mighty Wadge. ENDLESS BLOCKADE team up for this split 7” with Paul Pfeiffers WADGE brutal drum maschine hawaiian exotica grind violence long time in making but finally see the light of the day on RSR. This is for fans of grindcore, Powerviolence and all crazy fucking music!)  4€

WARKORPSE : 7" (4 tracks of grinding deathcrust from France !! killer new ep !!) 4€

WOJCZECH/ATTACK OF THE MAD AXEMAN : tour 2013 7” (Hamburgs finest Animalgrind and SW HQ Varnvs Blasters join for a south european tour all the way down to Istanbul and back!!)  4€

WOJCZECH/SOCIAL CHAOS : split 7” (Three new tunes from germany grinders WOJCZECH recorded during their brasil tour in 2014, but no live recordings. SOCIAL CHAOS present one song recorded in 2015)  4€

WOJTYLA : s/t 7" (amazing grinding punx from Poland... this is killer stuff !! a MUST have!!) 4€


WORLD DOWNFALL/NASHGUL : split 7" (aaarrrgghhh... TERRORIZER blasts  vs. Spanish ultra fast GRIND !!) 4€

WUORNOS : Released on Friday the 13th Debut 7" from America's WUORNOS.  GRIND!!! On Doom Black vinyl! limited to 325 copies)  4€

X-TORSION/CRUEL FACE : split 7” (Barcelona´s fastest X-TORSION team up with Brazilian GRINDCORE legends CRUEL FACE !! As fast as it can get!!)  4€

YATTAI/TREPAN’DEAD : split 7” (again both are French and again it’s CRUSHING FAST GRINDCORE with a TWIST !!) 4€

ZOMBIE COOKBOOK : cine trash 7” (amazing shit with great comic book artwork !! they should be on RAZORBACK !! so you know what to expect !!)4€

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